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Fluidity and Arc
First Section
Welcome to Fluidity and Arc (0:42)
Phase 1
Isolating the Habit (0:57)
Why does ARC matter? (0:50)
How to get ARC (1:16)
Common causes of flat arc (1:55)
Isolation Drill (2:45)
Why isn't your shot fluid? (1:23)
Keep the ball close (1:02)
Slow to Quick (2:00)
Slow down as much as you need (1:10)
What to expect from the rest of Fluidity and Arc (1:00)
Phase 2
Introduction (0:46)
#6 Drill (1:48)
Hop into Slow to Quick (1:40)
Be MINDFUL (1:01)
Floor taps (1:50)
Add Variability (2:03)
The details of the set point (1:07)
Know WHAT you are working on (0:51)
Phase 3
Introduction - Movement (0:19)
Roll the ball (1:57)
Steve Nash Series (2:47)
Hop into #6 drill (2:03)
Be aware of foot width (1:03)
Appropriate Level of Challenge (1:06)
Hip Tap Drill (1:36)
The Shooting Tube (1:01)
Reality of the set point (0:56)
Phase 4
Introduction (0:34)
Roll the ball layers (2:49)
Hip Tap with Catch (1:09)
Adding catches to #6 Drill (1:28)
Torbett Series (2:02)
Mirror body soft toss (1:17)
Catching grip vs Shooting Grip (1:04)
What happens when the ball changes directions (0:51)
Shoulders relaxed and level (0:59)
Phase 5
Introduction - Details Clean Up (0:18)
Challenge yourself (0:51)
Medium to Quick (1:34)
The relationship between arc and distance (0:57)
Over the backboard (1:48)
Back on heels, up on toes (1:14)
Build your own shooting tube (1:35)
Simplify or more practice? (1:17)
Elbow above eyes (0:56)
Phase 6
Introduction - Dribbles (0:22)
Pound Dribbles (2:06)
Pane of Glass (1:13)
Pound Dribble with Step (1:46)
Scissor Dribble (1:19)
How many shots? (1:08)
Set Point Refresher (1:05)
Mirror body pound dribble (1:21)
Don't expect perfection (1:20)
Phase 7
Introduction - Defenders and Decisions (0:23)
Spin out behind drill (1:40)
Self Pass Read Feet (1:32)
Mirror body read hands (1:44)
One on One form shooting (1:45)
Close out drill (2:08)
Know the situation and the habit (0:56)
Knuckles Drill (2:05)
What's next? (0:57)
Medium to Quick
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