The Role of the Torso
The torso plays a crucial role in maintaining proper alignment and stability during the shooting motion, helping to generate Positive Energy while minimizing Negative Energy. A well-positioned torso contributes to balance and power, allowing the player to maintain control throughout the shot.
Forward Tilt and Athletic Stance
In the ideal shooting stance, the torso should feature a slight forward tilt in the shoulders, with the hips back in an athletic position. Many players make the mistake of bending their legs but neglect to bend at the hips, resulting in a stance where the shoulders are positioned directly over the hips, creating an unathletic posture. This positioning not only reduces balance but also limits the player's ability to generate power through the legs and torso.
To achieve a proper stance, players should aim to have their shoulders positioned forward over the knees, while keeping the chest upright and facing forward rather than downward toward the floor. This slight forward tilt creates a strong base and positions the torso in a way that maximizes Positive Energy through the shot.
Example of an athletic stance. Shoulders forward over knees.
Excessive knee or hip bend is detrimental, not beneficial.
Spine Angle and Foot Position
The positioning of the torso is also influenced by the player's foot alignment. If the feet are turned to the left, a coach standing behind the player may notice that the spine angle leans to the left. This leaning can generate Negative Energyas the player initiates their shooting motion. Maintaining a balanced spine and torso alignment is critical for channeling Positive Energy straight toward the target.
As the player moves through the shot and begins lifting the ball, the torso may naturally become more upright. However, it’s important to ensure that the shoulders do not move behind the hips, which would force the player into a backward lean. This backward lean can reduce shooting accuracy unless it is necessary to counteract defensive pressure.
Example of shoulder over hips and an unathletic stance.
Level Shoulders and Hips
When viewed from the front, the hips and shoulders should remain relatively level. Maintaining level hips and shoulders helps ensure that Positive Energy flows symmetrically through the body, supporting a more controlled and consistent shot. Any imbalance—such as a shoulder dropping or hips shifting—can create asymmetry in the energy generated, leading to Negative Energy.
Set Point and Shoulder Alignment
For players with a low set point, there’s a tendency to drop or rotate the shooting-hand shoulder in an effort to get under the ball at the set point. This motion can introduce unnecessary movement and imbalance in the shot. Every effort should be made to develop a higher set point that allows the middle of the shooting hand to stay under the middle of the ball without requiring the player to drop or rotate their shoulder. This ensures that the shoulders remain level and Positive Energy is maintained throughout the motion.